Day 2 on "The HILL"

Water Temperature : 76-82 Degrees

Water Clarity : 3-5'

Notes :

Today's morning bite was decent with fish being caught on a crankbait, chatter bait, and a Lucky Craft Gunfish. The majority of our fish this morning were in the 1.5-2.5 lbs. range, but the bite shut off pretty quickly around 8 am. We are starting to key in on main lake islands and points that saddle, and have deep water in close proximity. The Feagins and Oiler/Crockett have all made it down here to McCormick and spent a little bit of time on the water. Anglers are catching fish, but the key to this week will be who can find a kicker 3 or 4 pounder. We will check back in tomorrow with another fishing update and we will let you know how the golf match goes!

Team Dison Outdoors